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Breast Lift with Implants

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It is challenging to feel confident in your body if you’re unhappy with your breasts. Many women in Little Rock and Fayetteville want more than just larger breasts — they also want to improve the shape and position of their breasts and reduce sagging or drooping. If you wish your breasts were fuller and perkier, then the solution could be a breast lift with implants (also called mastopexy with augmentation). Central Arkansas’ premiere Breast Surgeon Dr. Melanie Prince specializes in combining breast augmentation with breast lift surgery to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

What Is Breast Lift With Implants?

Breast shape and size are not static throughout our adult lives like height or eye color. Our breasts can dramatically change as a result of aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain, weight loss, and more. Breast augmentation with saline implants or silicone implants is a great option for patients whose natural breasts are smaller than they would like, but are perky with no sagging. Breast lift surgery is a popular choice for women who don’t want to add any volume to their breasts, but do want to eliminate excess skin and restore a youthful appearance. If you feel that your breasts look deflated or flat and desire more volume, then a breast lift with breast implants can give you a fuller, perkier look. 

The truth is that many patients come to our Little Rock office with the idea that they want either a breast augmentation or a breast lift. Once they start talking about their concerns, describing their ideal results, and discussing their options with Dr. Prince, they realize that both breast enhancement surgeries are the best way to get the breast size and the perkiness that they want.

Get details on breast augmentation surgery and learn more about breast lift surgery.


Do you want more cleavage and less sagging? If you would like to add fullness and perkiness to your breasts, then a breast lift with implants may be right for you. The best way to learn if you are a candidate for surgery is to schedule a phone call with our Patient Coordinator to discuss options prior to an in-person consultation appointment with Dr. Prince at her Little Rock office so you can make an informed decision.


The breast lift with implants procedure takes place at the Surgical Pavillion in Little Rock, AR, and begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the surgery. An incision is then strategically made, usually following the natural contour of the breast or around the areola. This incision allows Dr. Prince to remove excess skin and reshape the breast tissue, addressing concerns of sagging or drooping. Subsequently, a breast implant is placed into a pocket created either beneath the chest muscle or directly behind the breast tissue, depending on your unique anatomy and desired outcome. This dual approach of lifting and augmenting creates a harmonious balance between improved volume, shape, and elevation. Once the implants are positioned, the incisions are meticulously closed, and you will be carefully monitored as you begin their recovery journey. The result is often breasts that exhibit a revitalized, youthful contour, providing a boost of self-confidence and satisfaction.

Breast Lift With Implants Results and Recovery 

After your breast lift and augmentation surgery, you will need to wear a special front-close bra while you heal. While you’ll be able to resume some regular activities within one week, you will be restricted from heavy lifting, exercise, or strenuous activities for four weeks. You may experience bruising, swelling, and some pain during recovery, which can be managed with medication. Dr. Prince will give you specific post-surgical instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing and your results.

Dr. Prince is literally wonderful. I love her attitude, and her staff is the best. She has done such a
great job with me I’m considering another surgery to fix other parts of my body because now i
know that i will be in great hands!


Why Choose Dr. Melanie Prince for Breast Surgery in Little Rock?

When you are searching for a breast surgeon, it is helpful to understand the difference between plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons and the importance of board certification. 

Patients often don’t realize that any type of physician can perform cosmetic surgery even if they do not have specialized training. If you find that confusing, you’re not alone! One study found that 87% of people surveyed believed that doctors must have special credentials in order to perform cosmetic procedures.1 Even if a doctor says they are board-certified, you should clarify which board they are referring to. Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) have at least six years of specialized training in advanced surgical techniques and they have demonstrated a commitment to patient safety. 

When it comes to female surgeons in the Little Rock area, Dr. Prince is the only one who holds board certification from ABPS (Arkansas Board of Plastic Surgery). Breast lift with breast augmentation is a complex procedure and you deserve a surgeon who is skilled in this particular type of treatment. Dr. Prince is highly experienced in performing breast lift surgery with implants. She also takes the time to truly listen to each of her patients to ensure that they feel good about their decision so that they can get the results they want.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lift with Implants
  • Will my lift and augmentation be performed at the same time or as two separate surgeries?

    Whenever possible, Dr. Prince will perform the augmentation and lift together in one procedure. However, some patients benefit from having separate lift and augmentation surgeries. If you opt for very large implants or if you have pre-existing risk factors, then two separate procedures could be better for you. Dr. Prince will discuss your options when you work together to create your personalized treatment plan.

  • What kind of scars will I have after breast lift with implants?

    Dr. Prince will discuss incision options with you before your surgery. The incisions used will vary depending on what type of breast lift you need. If you have significant sagging or choose a larger implant, then Dr. Prince may use an anchor incision, which goes vertically from the nipple to the crease under the breast, and horizontally along the natural crease.

  • What are the risks of this procedure?

    Any surgical procedure comes with some risk of side effects or complications. Risks of breast augmentation and breast lift procedures include infection, bleeding, changes in sensation, fluid accumulation, poor healing, and general anesthesia risks.2 Dr. Prince is conservative in her surgical recommendations and she upholds high safety standards in order to help her patients achieve the best outcomes possible.

  • Can I combine any other procedures with breast lift with implants?

    Absolutely! Combining a breast lift with implants procedure with other complementary treatments is a common approach that can help you achieve comprehensive and harmonious results. Many patients opt for additional body contouring procedures, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction, to address stubborn areas of excess fat and further enhance their overall silhouette. Another popular option is to include the breast lift with implants as part of a mommy makeover, which typically includes various procedures tailored to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body. This comprehensive approach can address both breast and body concerns in a single surgical session, minimizing downtime and recovery periods. Dr. Prince will guide you through the available options and help tailor a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your unique goals, ensuring that you achieve the most satisfying and transformative results possible.

Contact Prince Plastic Surgery 

We’re here for you! Get in touch with any questions or contact us to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Prince.

1 Shah, Ajul M.D et al. Public Perception of Cosmetic Surgeons versus Plastic Surgeons: Increasing Transparency to Educate Patients. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: February 2017 – Volume 139 – Issue 2 – p 544e-557e doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000003020

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What are the risks of breast augmentation? Available at: Accessed November 25, 2019.

Dr. Melanie Prince has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.